Customer Favourites

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  • Peacemaker Apparel Torches

    Peacemaker Healing Creams has supported many local community Initiatives. Donating to the Following Cairns Flood Victims, Awesome Anglers, Tri Service Veterans (PTSD ) Rural Fire fighters, Trauma Nurses, Federal Police Officers, Brisbane Flood Victims, Vietnam Veterans, Soldier On, Qld RSL, DCD Dogs and many more........

  • Peacemaker Apparel Clothing

    Our Customers "Peacekeepers" are always looked after All our Products have a 3 Year use by date, we stand behind our products. If you have any issues with our products, we will always put our customers first giving you an positive customer experience. If you have any product issues, Mitch our Founder will personally either upgrade your product or provide you with a full refund this is the personal touch we provide for all our customers.

  • Peacemaker Apparel Camping

    We have always had happy satisfied Customers from all over Far Nth Queensland from Cairns to Thursday Island from Mission Beach to my favourite spot Mackay where we sold out of our first shipment of cream in less than 3 hrs, since then we have thousands of pain free customers all over Australia & New Zealand, all major islands in the Pacific customers all over Europe as far as Estonia, and over 800+ happy pain free customers in North America in fact we are in 37 of Americas 50 states at the present, adding new states by the day, if you have any type of pain at the very least give my cream a crack...... you have nothing to lose but your pain.In the past 18 months we have over 4,300+ local customers, and I'm proud to say numbers don't lie, we have a whopping 78% of return customers who purchase from us on a regular basis. Our most popular product is our Ultimate 4 pack being Natural and Organic its proving very popular.