Garro Project 2022 - Peacemaker Apparel

Garro Project 2022

Hey Everyone is Mitch founder of 'Peacemaker Apparel"

We are dedicated and fully committed to raising 20K to support the Garro Project 2022.

Did you know on any given day/night up to 15 Veterans sleep rough on the streets of Nth Queensland There is very little to no help for these Australian military Veterans.

The Garro in Townsville is currently a Safe Haven for these Vets to rest their heads and get the help that they sorely need.. and deserve.

I am proud to say "Peacemaker Apparel" has been raising money for these Homeless heroes but we still need to raise a further 10K, how can you help? its simple all products purchased from our website all profits after cost will go 100% towards "The Garro Project"

The Garro Project is run by the Vietnam Veterans MC Townsville Chapter

Its time to be part of the solution, and yes every cent counts!!!

Peacemaker Apparel will be at Cairns Central, Mount Sheridan Plaza, Clifton Beach Markets, Gordonvale Cottage Markets, Palm Cove Markets, Yungaburra Markets, Leukemia Craft markets and many more.

Everyone this is a call to arms im challenging all Nth Queensland residents and Business owners here in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay and everywhere in between to help me raise $10,000 in sales or Donations.

From today until 06 December all website purchases will have


For exact dates of respective markets PM us or check out the Facebook page!


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